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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Monday, June 4, 2007

Keeping it Real

Too often we are the money changers: giving short change in spiritual things to many who seek the true coin: making the Church an institute when you want it to be a chaos of uncalculating love.
George MacLeod

As I was saying in a previous post...many in the current generation cry for authenticity. I love the expression of MacLeod "uncalculating love". It is a not so subtle reminder that love should be an outflowing of our hearts rather than a calculated effort for a desired effect. Of course this should be the case in "the church". Nothing speaks the truth quite like a life of integrity.


Marjorie Lloyd said...

I love your description of "uncalculating love". Too often as Christians we offer love purely to get others to change their lifestyle and come to Christ. While the goal is good, the process misses the mark of agape, totally unconditional, love. When we accept people and love them whether or not they are going to change, they are more likely to become the people we were hoping they would be in the first place.

Paul Metler, Ph.D. said...

Thanks Marjorie. I believe our tendency to "calculate" has contributed to a growing trend to be skeptical of the motives behind what is done in the name of Christ.