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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cross Cultural

Last night I began a course on Ethical Values and Principles in Strategic Leadership. I am grateful for every opportunity that I have had to teach outside of the U.S. When I teach I pay particular attention to the aspects of leadership that resonate. Are there issues that are common to leadership across cultural lines? How can these aspects open the door for the message of the Gospel? I began a series of lectures last night by drawing attention to the importance of leading from within. Unfortunately, a great deal of leadership development seems to focus on skills and behaviors without giving attention to the heart. I take it as a personal mission to tip the balance toward issues of the heart. This message did in fact resonate with the Ecuadorian leaders. They engaged in a vibrant discussion of some of the foundational questions about integrity and intentionality. Though this was a course at a "secular" University, I was able to describe leadership relationships in Biblical terms. I shared that my Christian faith has revealed some significant principles for accountable leadership. I was able to teach the importance of "speaking the truth in love" and share what it means to bring together diverse gifts and talents, yet unite them together as "members of a body". I am thankful for the many ways God gives us to be "salt and light".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Worship in Ambato, Ecuador

This morning I was invited to speak at a church in Ambato, Ecuador. What a great experience. It was exciting for me to worship together with my brothers and sisters in Ambato. Pastor Rolando Quiroga was such a gracious host. The church began a little over a year ago. The service was full with an atmosphere of heartfelt worship. As I was singing with them this morning, my mind went to the words of Simeon when he saw the baby Jesus. Simeon praised God on that day as he prophetically recognized Jesus as the Savior "prepared in the sight of all nations as a light" (Luke 2:30-13). This morning I thought about how the light of salvation has reached into my community in North America and this community in Ambato. At the close of the morning service, a man named Eduardo came forward spontaneously to accept Jesus as His Savior. The light continues to shine. It's been a good day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Winter Retreat 2011

I have been preparing for the Winter Youth Retreat. Looking forward to forfeiting some sleep in order to spend time with a bunch of rowdies with an energy level that I can only dream about (pardon the reference to sleep). When I consider the opportunity to share some truth from God's Word, it's sobering. Today, students are overwhelmed with so many messages. Many outlets target them. They know that they are a generation that is more connected to multiple sources of messages than any other before. It's difficult for someone my age to grasp what a difference 30 years has made in the life of a teen. The game has changed. But, the truth has not. When I roll back the clock the core issues that I wrestled with as a teen are the same. They ask the same question, "Who am I...Where am I going...How will I get there?" I pray that God helps me etch a clear picture of who their Creator says they are. When that is established, the road ahead is much brighter for them and us.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

National Signing Day

In the world of media hype, it's a big day for college football fans. Today's the day when many announcements are made by recruits. In recent years the attention that high school student athletes receive has skyrocketed. It leads up to a big announcement. Sure, many of the students have committed to the college of their choice long ago. But, the power of the moment makes for good video for news outlets and the internet. One trend has continued to grow. The young men put on a cap representing their choice. Often, there is a dramatic build up to that moment. It signals the start of a relationship with a school that is packed with expectation. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. Just for fun, I have thought about some of the dramatic "signing day" moments in the Bible. Matthew stepping out of the tax collector booth as an overlooked talent; the woman at the well after her encounter with Jesus may have run a record 40 yard dash as she rushed back to the city to tell others; the criminal hanging on the cross beside Jesus was a late commitment that nobody saw coming. What about you?