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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How bout a Starbucks?

Given all of the success that Starbucks has experienced, it was only a matter of time before books started rolling out describing the "Starbucks experience". One of the books written by Joseph Michelli points to 5 key principles in the Starbucks experience: (1) Make it your own (2) Everything matters (3) Surprise and delight (4) Embrace resistance (5) Leave your mark. Leonard Sweet has written a book called "The Gospel according to Starbucks: Living with a Grande Passion. According to Sweet, Starbucks unintentionally modeled itself after the ideals espoused by the church. Interesting food (or coffee) for thought. I must confess that I don't always think about the church as I sip my sugar-free vanilla latte. I have noticed that Sweet is correct in assessing the Starbucks experience through His culture savvy eyes. Starbucks has created an experience that beckons to the postmodern appetite. It is an appetite for experience and connection and the church has always existed with those ideals in mind. We long to help others experience the transformational power of God and connect with a community of faith that we know as the "body of Christ".

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