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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Parade of Nations

I watched the opening ceremony last night as the coverage of the Olympics began in spectacular fashion. The Olympic stadium in Beijing was filled with song, dance and technological wonder. It was an incredible tribute to creation and creativity. What struck me about the display was the fact that nation after nation paraded through the stadium, scene after scene evoked wonder and awe. Yet, there was plenty of acknowledgement of the creation, but not of the Creator. My heart was drawn to Revelation 7

After this, I saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood before the throne and before the Lamb. They wore white robes and held palm branches in their hands, as they shouted, "Our God, who sits upon the throne, has the power to save his people, and so does the Lamb." The angels who stood around the throne knelt in front of it with their faces to the ground. The elders and the four living creatures knelt there with them. Then they all worshiped God.

Everything we have, we have been given by a loving and powerful Creator. He not only deserves our worship, He commands it.

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