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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Friday, January 11, 2008

Losing your old life

I'm looking forward to Sunday's message on The Biggest Loser: Losing your Old Life. I have a couple of questions that I have been pondering: What are the most significant chagnes that you have experienced in life? Were there aspects of your life that had to die in order for that change to be successful? There is a story in Matthew's Gospel writings about a man who was possessed by demons. Jesus delievered him from the demons and the demons entered a herd of swine. The swine immediately took a suicidal journey off a cliff into the sea (Matthew 8). This is a very vivid picture of a change that brought about both life and death. Matthew seems to indicate that the people in the town focused more on the loss of the swine than the deliverance and healing of the man. Subsequently, they asked Jesus to leave town. Perhaps we too focus more on fear of loss in change than we do the life we gain.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I think that's a habit that we all have ... We're so much more inclined to notice things that we've lost instead of looking ahead to the things in store, or even looking around to the things we've gained from our losses.