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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Lay aside the ecomomic prognosticators that fill the news media for a moment and think about your own personal forecast. Sometimes it can be a bit discouraging to begin a new year with an awareness of the things that you would like to change or improve. The danger of discouragement is that it always paints an inaccurate picture of what can be. I was reading the Old Testament account today of God's promise of new life to an old couple: Abraham and Sarah. You might recall that Sarah's response was laughter/disbelief. It's a great metaphor for the new year. God promises new life to each of us. Discouragement is rooted in our "old life". Like Sarah, we can let our discouragement bring about a smirky laughter that feeds our doubts about the prospects of positive change in our lives OR we can remember God's response to Sarah was a question: "Is anything too difficult for me?" Great question.

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