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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thirsty for Friendship

How do you define friendship? I asked the preschoolers in chapel this morning to help me out with a definition. As usual, I received some great answers. They described some things that friends do. They share. They play together. They have fun. That's what friends do.

I thought it would be interesting to tell them about a time when Jesus was a friend. I told them about how He talked to a woman at a well in Samaria. There are a number of aspects in the story that fascinate me. For example, Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to a Samaritan woman. But, before His self-revelation, Jesus took the first step. He surprised the woman with His first words. The fact that He initiated a conversation captures my attention.  If you know anything about the story (John 4) you know the conversation moved from the surface issues of physical thirst to a revelation about how spiritual thirst can be quenched. When's the last time you had a conversation like that? My preschool scholars offered some clues as to why it doesn't happen as often as it should. Being a friend means we have to be willing to "share". Sounds simple doesn't it. Second requirement? The kids said that friendship is a "together" thing. Friends are "present". As adults, we have all kinds of issues with being truly "present"in the God-given special momentary opportunities. Finally, friends have fun. OK it's a little naive to think that being a friend is always fun. But, Jesus modeled friendship that is incredibly rewarding. We need only to open our eyes to see people who may be thirsty for friendship. BTW, making a well out of Play Doh is not easy!

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