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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Heart and Soul of Leadership: Part Two

It may seem obvious that a Christian leader needs God's help to develop. Anyone who has attempted to be a true leader recognizes that it is extremely difficult. In fact, one of my favorite leadership authors, Ron Hefeitz, points out the dangers of leadership. According to Heifetz, "you appear dangerous to people when you question their values, beliefs, or habits of a lifetime. You place yourself on the line when you tell people what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear" (Leadership on the Line, Heifetz and Linsky, 2002). So, you want to be a leader? It's not surprising to learn that many describe leadership as lonely endeavor. That brings up my second mark of Christian leadership: Leaders want to be with God. It's not just that a vibrant relationship with God is the answer to the loneliness that so often accompanies living a disciplined and principled life. It is much more than that. God is our source of direction. Before a leader can become an effective change agent, there must be a vision of a better future. Change begins within. Mature leaders are lifelong learners. The purest way to develop self-awareness and recognize the changes that are necessary is through a personal relationship with God. God knows us and loves us like no other. The best leaders I know seek God because they want to be with God. They cherish God's presence.

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