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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Time Flies

We have heard the saying "time flies when you're having fun". How about this? Time flies when you procrastinate. On Sunday, I will conclude "the Biggest Loser" series of messages. During the past few weeks we have been considering how to leave the "old life" behind and live the "new life" that God desires for us to live. So, since the dawn of 2008, how much of the "old" have you left behind? Usually, it's easy to talk about the changes that we need to make. But, then "time flies" while we think about how to actually make the changes. This week, I will revisit some thoughts about forgiveness. Nothing keeps us stuck in the mud quite like unforgiveness. If we are struggling to live the "new life" that God has for us, it's a good sign that we should check to see if there are pockets of unforgiveness hiding within. Learning to receive and give forgiveness is an amazing catalyst for positive change within us.

1 comment:

bjlee said...

It struck me this morning as Pastor Paul was going through the prison encampment of the enemy and revealing how it looks very much the same on both sides of the bars. Wow what a picture to contemplate. When we choose to not forgive can we really tell which side of the entrapment we are actually on, I mean the devil wont let us see the parameters or perimeters of that cage anyway. Why do we put ourselves there by holding on to grudges and becoming the brother from the Prodigal Parable?
An awesome illustration from a masterpiece this morning Pastor Paul. Bringing to life Rembrant and all sides of the family like that was eye-opening. I love the learnings that we should see from all sides of that story.
The Son
What a word to remember and carry with us. God did so much for me when I was broken, I would do well to remember the state I was in when he embraced that broken state of being that I had become. Each time hence forth that landmark event in my life that I have found myself broken God had be gracious aplenty to forgive and embrace me once more.
The Father
Strength and Comfort.
God is all capable of being the it and all that we need at the same time. In the Rembrant painting God the father is both tender and strong as well as fiercely comforting. What a picture of our Great God.
The Brother, oh the Brother
When we come to the end of our lives I believe it will be daunting the number of choices we had to choose between. Seriously do we really want to make more choices that will place on either side of those bars? Anyway we look at it, not forgiving another sister or brother is tantamount to caging and locking ourselves away from the blessings God has promise us.
Thank you Pastor Paul for the weekly enlightenment, especially stirring this week. Check out the message go to heritagefellowshipchurch.com, just click Podcast and then 2-11-08. Be inspired!