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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

National Signing Day

In the world of media hype, it's a big day for college football fans. Today's the day when many announcements are made by recruits. In recent years the attention that high school student athletes receive has skyrocketed. It leads up to a big announcement. Sure, many of the students have committed to the college of their choice long ago. But, the power of the moment makes for good video for news outlets and the internet. One trend has continued to grow. The young men put on a cap representing their choice. Often, there is a dramatic build up to that moment. It signals the start of a relationship with a school that is packed with expectation. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. Just for fun, I have thought about some of the dramatic "signing day" moments in the Bible. Matthew stepping out of the tax collector booth as an overlooked talent; the woman at the well after her encounter with Jesus may have run a record 40 yard dash as she rushed back to the city to tell others; the criminal hanging on the cross beside Jesus was a late commitment that nobody saw coming. What about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and how about Saul on the Road to Damascus?....and the biggest signing day ever, the day of Pentecost. 3,000 sign up at once. Now that is a signing day!