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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Saturday, January 29, 2011


In responsibility both obedience and freedom are realized. Responsibility implies tension between obedience and freedom. There would be no more responsibility if either were made independent of the other.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I have an opportunity to teach a course on ethics next month in Ecuador. In my studying, I ran across this quote from Bonhoeffer. As I consider changes in our culture, I couldn't help but ponder the accuracy of his statement. I see the tension that Bonhoeffer described. For the most part it seems that freedom is pulling away from responsibility. Our ability to have so much information available at our fingertips has contributed to an indiviualistic sense of freedom that erodes our responsibility for our choices and for one another. Freedom as described in teh Bible is the "freedom" to live for God. It is the "freedom" to be an instrument of righteousness. It is the "freedom" to fulfill our divine purpose and love God and others and serve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember where the quote came from, but here it is....."there is no freedom without boundaries."
Freedom can't exist where doubts stifle action. Doubts happen when there are no boundaries.
God's Word says "obedience is better than sacrifice." God wants obedience first and then He gives the explanation why after, doesn't He? That really takes us and our pride and self-will away and shows our love and trust in Him the most......which is what He wants and brings us closer to the obedience model Jesus gave us.