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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you care to read about what's crossing my mind or sticking in my heart I welcome you to my latest post. So, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. More importantly, I hope I can encourage you to join me in my quest to be a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh No

I must confess that I was reading highlights from Gabe Lyons' book "The Next Christians" electronically when I came across the following quote: "More technology leads to more distractions from faith practices". OK Gabe, but I bought your book on my Kindle. All kidding aside, (mostly) I agree with Gabe. Technology has a real tendency to creep up on us and steal our quiet moments. It can consume our opportunities to be still and meditate. Too often the promises that technology will simplify are veiled enticements of complication. So here I am sharing my thoughts on a blog. Yet, I think I have Gabe on this one. My blog is a "faith practice" for me. Writing is a way to journal my thoughts and ponder my spirituality. Not only that, it is a way to share with a community. What does this mean? Well, with every blessing comes responsibility. We must become more and more intentional about preparing the next generation for technological stewardship. Technology can take us away from God or become an increasingly useful tool to develop our relationship with God and share with others.


Anonymous said...

Wow are you right! Computing is one of my 2 hobbies along with gardening...and computing wins on the time scale hands down. But I do have Nook for PC and Kindle for PC because that IS the future of book reading. Just ask Borders book stores that just filed bankruptcy because they did not come up with a Kindle or Nook e-reader.
We do have a responsibility to use technology in the spread and defence of our faith. That is the way the world mostly learns now. I agree very much with your point of stewardship. The Apostle Paul wrote that he was all things to all people that he might win some of the many. That to me says the Church needs to get even busier using technology for the Lord's purposes. That is Biblical stewardship.

The Old Hippies' Daughter said...

I'm here today because I can't get past Monday's bible reading from Phil 1:27! I thought I'd check PP blog to see if he had any comments about this particular passage, and found the comment about technology. So here is a "good" example of how we can use technology:)

I have had to greatly restrict my FB usage. FB has linked me to old friends from my childhood, college, and work. It has also given me access to my daughters peer group and the girls I coached in softball. I have to be careful to not participate in my own deception that it is a "ministry tool" and abuse it:) We eliminated television programming from our home almost 3 years ago, but I find that computing has crept in as its replacement for both Tom and I. We have to be intentional with every moment!

On a positive note: Emma's school has a music/media program that focuses on using spiritual gifts for the Kingdom in that area. They recognize a generation that knows little else than computing/txting/social media and snippets. So they are preparing them to use it for the Lord and to win souls. :)

Maybe we could use a HF daily reading blog? lol I'd like to know if anyone else is stuck on the message in Phil 1:27! The Lord is rattling the cage of my self perception as a disciple/Christian through Paul's letter....again.