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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Does not wisdom call out?
Does not understanding raise her voice?
Proverbs 8:1

I was reading in Proverbs this morning. I have a devotional guide called 31 days of Wisdom from the Proverbs. The following comments on Proverbs 8 are such a clear guide for daily life. Each day presents many opportunities for focus on God's plan or distractions that pull us away. How do we discern the difference?  I like the threefold prescription of "prayer, patience and a commitment to truth". 

Wisdom calls out to us (see Proverbs 1:20–21; 8:1–4). Apparently, so does folly (see Proverbs 9:13–15). Their methods of communication are similar; they sit in public places shouting their advice to all who will listen. The difference between them is in what they say and the hearts they connect with. Those who are inclined toward God—who love him and want to do his will—will hear the voice of wisdom and respond. Those who have little depth and no desire for God—who can’t see beyond themselves and the present moment—will hear the voice of folly and respond. Two voices, two kinds of hearts; as a result, two drastically different journeys.
Which voice will we choose to trust? The question is more complicated than it seems: It doesn’t involve just a single choice but rather a series of choices every day, and sometimes folly imitates wisdom. But prayer, patience and a commitment to truth will reveal the difference and give us the discipline and courage to choose well. Hearts that crave wisdom will choose the right voice.

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