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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Monday, April 1, 2013

Follow Jesus

Follow Me
John 21:19

Its Monday, the day after our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Its a good time to consider post-resurrection living. Jesus death, burial and resurrection provide the ultimate picture of redemption. So, how do we live in light of all Jesus has provided? What did Jesus say to His disciples after His resurrection? Jesus walked among the disciples for a brief period before He ascended to heaven. The material in the Gospels describing post-resurrection encounters with Jesus is not lengthy, but it is significant. When reading John 21 this morning, I focused on the words that Jesus spoke to Peter. Frequently, when I read the exchange between Peter and Jesus, I give most of my attention to the questions that Jesus asked Peter. After all, its a captivating conversation when Jesus asked the man who had denied knowing Him, Do you love Me? However, its a tragedy to miss the final words in that conversation. Jesus repeated them twice (John 21:19 & John 21:22) At the conclusion of this series of questions and after Jesus had given His instructions regarding how Peter should care for Jesus sheep, Jesus simply said to Peter, Follow Me. It wasnt a new message. Peter had responded to the invitation to follow Jesus long ago. But, these words never lose their importance. Why did Jesus repeat Follow Me the second time? The second time Jesus spoke them to Peter in John 21, it was because Peter was asking questions about what was going to happen to another disciple. Imagine that! Peter was already getting distracted. How easy it is to shift our focus away from following Jesus and become distracted. The words of Jesus are a good reminder for post-resurrection living this week. Follow Jesus.

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