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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Ancient of Days

As I kept watching, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took His seat. His clothing was white like snow, and the hair of His head like whitest wool. His throne was flaming fire; its wheels were blazing fire.
Daniel 7:9

The vision of God found in Daniel 7 is awe-inspiring. The Bible contains many descriptions of God and many “titles”, but this visionary vignette is one of my favorites in all of Scripture. Sometimes it’s tempting to avoid the visionary passages of Daniel because of the diverse views and interpretations of the material. To me that is a tragic loss of the beauty of Scripture that communicates the character of God. God is the “Ancient of Days”. As impossible as it is for us to grasp, it is nonetheless essential that we consider the fact that God’s perspective is eternal. Perhaps the snow-white clothing and the hair that is described as whitest wool is a way to remind us that God’s existence is also perfect and pure. These qualities confirm that God’s reign is a righteous and holy reign. Daniel’s description of God’s throne sounds more like a chariot of fire. It conveys that God is seated as King, Judge and Victorious Commander. In contrast, the vision of Daniel provides an overview of other kings and kingdoms that rise and fall. None will outlast the Ancient of Days. I take comfort in knowing that my faith and my future rests in God. We are more aware of instability in the world around us than ever before. That increases our need for a strong foundation in life and a source of peace in a sea of change. The answer is found in the Ancient of Days.

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